Friday, November 15, 2013

Second Test Post!

Here is a test post. You know, for testing things.

Therazane recounts how her daughter, Theradras, was killed by Fleshlings. And how Deathwing's fleshlings have invaded her home and caused a good bit of trouble. All valid points. Avoiding the logic, Torunscar changes the subject to the World Pillar, and suggests that if they can repair it, they'll simply leave, I guess they're hearthed somewhere else. So Therazane agrees as long as the Earthen Ring firsts gets rid of the cultists. So they fight... a lot... and kill... a lot.

                Therazane then returns the last fragment of world pillar, and the Earthen rings sets to fixing it. While Maruut is performing the spell, however, the Temple is attacked. The attack is being led by Lorthuna. She attacks Maruut and seems to stop the ritual, but after Lorthuna is killed by Therazane's forces, they find that Maruut had finished the spell before being killed by Lorthuna. The rift is sealed on the Deepholm side.

                Finally, in the most anti-climactic set up of the next thing. Archeaologists calling themselves "the Reliquary", figure out that there's a waygate that the Twilight is going to use to enter Uldum, and rewire one of the Pyramids to destroy all life on Azeroth. So the Reliquary rewires the waygate to open into the firelands. It opens and eplodes, closing the gate... And the Villagers rejoice.

Test Post

Here is a test post. You know, for testing things.

Therazane recounts how her daughter, Theradras, was killed by Fleshlings. And how Deathwing's fleshlings have invaded her home and caused a good bit of trouble. All valid points. Avoiding the logic, Torunscar changes the subject to the World Pillar, and suggests that if they can repair it, they'll simply leave, I guess they're hearthed somewhere else. So Therazane agrees as long as the Earthen Ring firsts gets rid of the cultists. So they fight... a lot... and kill... a lot.

                Therazane then returns the last fragment of world pillar, and the Earthen rings sets to fixing it. While Maruut is performing the spell, however, the Temple is attacked. The attack is being led by Lorthuna. She attacks Maruut and seems to stop the ritual, but after Lorthuna is killed by Therazane's forces, they find that Maruut had finished the spell before being killed by Lorthuna. The rift is sealed on the Deepholm side.

                Finally, in the most anti-climactic set up of the next thing. Archeaologists calling themselves "the Reliquary", figure out that there's a waygate that the Twilight is going to use to enter Uldum, and rewire one of the Pyramids to destroy all life on Azeroth. So the Reliquary rewires the waygate to open into the firelands. It opens and eplodes, closing the gate... And the Villagers rejoice.